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Easy-Step Shower Floor Inserts

Easy-Step Shower floor Insert (raising the floor without renovation)

Easy-Step Shower Floor Inserts (Raising The Floor Without Renovation)

Step-down Showers

Many homes in retirement communities have shower floors that were originally built with a step-down shower floor design and many with raised thresholds. There is a significant trip/fall risk for seniors and those patients recovering from illness or injury as the step-down can be more than 4 inches.

Until now, the only solution was to remove and replace the entire shower stall at a cost between $7,000 – $15,000. This costly demolition fills your home with dust and debris, and the construction process can literally last for weeks.

Will you be there long enough to get a return on your investment? The answer is probably no.

Our solution is less than 10 percent the cost of a renovation and is easily removed!

Our Design Team

Our team has designed a light-weight and safe shower floor insert that you simply place in the shower, level it, and you’re done! Simple!

Here’s some advantages of our floor insert;

  • STRONG and STURDY – Made of high grade aluminum plates with rigid square tubes to ensure strength and durability for years to come.
  • LIGHT WEIGHT – So you or your cleaner can lift it on its side to wash underneath it.
  • NO RUST – Using aluminum plates and stainless steel levelers, there will never be a rust stain on your shower floor.
  • NON-SLIP – Our checker plate design ensures a non-slip texture which is gentle on your feet.
  • CONDUCTION – It heats up very fast and dries even faster!
  • WHEELCHAIR USE – Simply roll right onto the platform!
  • WHEN YOU SELL – Simply lift the floor out to return the shower to its original design.


Easy-Step Shower Floor Inserts (Raising The Floor Without Renovation)

Step-down Showers

Many homes in retirement communities have shower floors that were originally built with a step-down shower floor design and many with raised thresholds. There is a significant trip/fall risk for seniors and those patients recovering from illness or injury as the step-down can be more than 4 inches.

Until now, the only solution was to remove and replace the entire shower stall at a cost between $7,000 – $15,000. This costly demolition fills your home with dust and debris, and the construction process can literally last for weeks.

Will you be there long enough to get a return on your investment? The answer is probably no.

Our solution is less than 10 percent the cost of a renovation and is easily removed!

Our Design Team

Our team has designed a light-weight and safe shower floor insert that you simply place in the shower, level it, and you’re done! Simple!

Here’s some advantages of our floor insert;

  • STRONG and STURDY – Made of high grade aluminum plates with rigid square tubes to ensure strength and durability for years to come.
  • LIGHT WEIGHT – So you or your cleaner can lift it on its side to wash underneath it.
  • NO RUST – Using aluminum plates and stainless steel levelers, there will never be a rust stain on your shower floor.
  • NON-SLIP – Our checker plate design ensures a non-slip texture which is gentle on your feet.
  • CONDUCTION – It heats up very fast and dries even faster!
  • WHEELCHAIR USE – Simply roll right onto the platform!
  • WHEN YOU SELL – Simply lift the floor out to return the shower to its original design.


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